"Stories From Your Heart"

Hey all! My friends from the Light Crystal Publishing House are going to celebrate their first anniversary in November. They are going to publish a book compilation of short stories. The book’s theme is “stories from your heart.” If you are interested to be a part of that book, you may send in your short stories — no longer than 4 pages of Arial font, size 12, single space — through email at lightcrystalpublishing@gmail.com with your name , website (optional), and home address . If you prefer to use a pseudonym or a nick name for the story, please specify it in the email, but your real name and address are required for the book shipping. Yes, you also get a copy of the book for free if your short story is chosen to be a part of the book. Pretty good deal, no? Now, start writing!

An Open Letter to a Loser

Dear loser who sent me a message that you do not believe that I know all those people in my friends list, In fact, I KNOW those "500+ friends," PERSONALLY . Some of them are from the Gothic and Lolita subculture; some, from the metal and dark scenes; some are from the cosplay scene; some are friends online that I met all around during events and stuff; and about more than half of them are composed of family members, friends, neighbors, people I met at school and work and such. It's not my fault that people don't wanna be your friend. 'Cause, dude, you're just one bitter bastard. Someone who has a HUGE friends list unlike you, Euri

100 Million Years From Now

100 million years from now, Frodo might be the new Jesus Christ. The Lord of the Rings, the new bible. And Tolkien, the new God. Have you ever thought that this might happen? One can never tell. The Bible might actually just be just a popular novel in it's time, rather than something thought to be the "word of God." I also would like to think that Lestat, rather than Frodo, might be the new Jesus Christ. The same way that the Vampire Chronicles, the new Bible and Anne Rice, the new God. It just feels sexier that way. The emotional part of The Vampire Chronicles feels so real that you might think that vampires do actually exist. Each book was well written enough to portray the very dept of each character – kindness, loneliness, pain, corruptness and savagery. You always stop and think that somehow, they are human-like, yet at the same time, not at all. But then again, I think that The Lord of the Rings would fit the Bible-like image more than The Vampire Chronicles – proba

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