
LINE Stickers: Mask Rider

Thursday, July 03, 2014

I'm a Kamen Rider fan every since I was really young. Kamen Rider Black was the first ever Kamen Rider that I've watch on TV. My older brother loves Kamen Rider series too, and we collect and watch them together. It's really great when you have siblings with the same interests as you. You never ran out of what to talk about during dinners. :D

  These stickers cannot be used in the LINE App itself. They're just merely PNG images. You can use them on your websites/blogs if you want.

You don't have to credit me when you use them, but if you want to, please link back to me at: http://www.beyondeternal.comHere are my buttons, if you need them.

Here are the Mask Rider LINE stickers!


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