
WARNING: Currently IC

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

WARNING: Currently IC
Probability of different personality is high.

When you see my status like that, it means that I'm roleplaying.

IC is short for "in character" often seen and used in roleplaying. While you're "in character," you should follow the personality, manner of speaking, mood, etc of whom/what you're roleplaying. Therefore, when I am "in character," I am bound to have a different personality and my mood may shift often too. I used to change my name and avatar to that of the person or character I'm currently roleplaying.

OOC, in the other hand, means "out of character." When this is indicated, it means that the person is speaking out of his/her roleplay character. This is often used when the person roleplaying wants to comment, give up additional info, clear up something or just plain say anything random while roleplaying or while in a roleplay thread.

I used to be an active roleplayer years ago. I've roleplayed a lot of characters both from anime/manga and original ones. Those characters that I remembered roleplaying were:

  • Hidaka Ken, Weiss Kreuz

  • Tenou Haruka, Sailormoon

  • Lenneth Valkyrie, Valkyrie Profile

  • Mana-sama, Malice Mizer

  • Amdis Anima (original character)

  • Sanctus Kaine (original character)

I started roleplaying about the same time I started writing fanfiction - around the age of 11 or something. Back then, I still have the confidence to write in total proper English. I got a private tutor for the said subject and my hands are always getting slapped when I get lower than 85 remaks. T^T Math, however, is out of the question. I got a Math tutor when I got to highschool but I don't even need a math tutor. The standards of education in provinces are way too low. I didn't even shed sweat and blood or cram during exams like I used to. That's when I learned how to be lazy and skip class. But don't worry about it, when you start working, you'll get your butt back on track and get serious or else, you'll starve. After all, no work, no pay. No money, tummy empty. =D


  1. No money, tummy empty. =D

    Nice rhyme. XDDD

  2. *pokes* Hi! Okay go back in Role playing :P

    buh-bye :D ^^

  3. I don't have them anymore. I lost them when my website got deleted years ago. :(

  4. I agree that the standards on provinces are tooooooooo low, even if University pa yan. Oh well, I still feel unequipped. Is that what you felt when you graduated too? Hehe.

    No money, tummy empty. LOL. Muntikan na.


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