Dead Frog

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dead Frog

I saw this dead frog lying in the street across our gate, this morning. It's in the area about a feet or two away from our car, so it's probably not our car who run over it. I actually stood and sat there under the heat of the sun, when it's around noon time, to add, just to take a picture of it using my super lame cellphone camera.

That white T-shaped thing is its bones. The dark or black area was probably his blood and internal organs. It already dried up when I saw it so I wasn't able to see its intestines and such. Either way, it's quite facinating. Bearing the heat was worth it. I'm pretty satisfied. :)


  1. lol nice photo.., something flashed back when i saw this photo. when i was a kid, i used to put 5 star firecracker inside a frogs mouth or tie it on its back and watch the live killing LOL

  2. "Fascinating"?!? "Nice photo"?!? How can we be so callous about an act of obvious human-precipitated murder? And you with the firecracker--! Have you no shame? How can you cruelly kill a living being in that manner?

    Of course, if giant frogs put firecrackers inside our mouths and set them off, we'd call it murder then, right? Unbelievable.

  3. MikoKagome04,
    I find the details of what's inside it that's fascinating, not the fact that it was run over by some car.

    What do you want me to do then? Revive the poor thing? Cry over it? Hate humans because they murdered a poor helpless frog? Bluntly, I'm never a pro-life type of person. It doesn't really matter to me weather they are animals or humans, I see them all the same. Supposed that humans were as small as cockroaches, that the frogs were bigger than us, wont they do the same? Humans tend to do cruel things to smaller animals just because they're small and that they're stronger. That's the rule of nature. It's the strong who lives, and the weak who dies. It's in their nature to show the weaker ones that they are strong, for self fulfillment, to know they are stronger. The same way we embrace into pain, to know we hurt, and to feel we are all alive.

  4. @Euri: I'm actually not pro-life. I'm pro-choice. I despise self-righteous pro-lifers. And I realize (rather belatedly) that my comment did sound unpleasantly pro-lifer-ish (though I wonder why we're using abortion debate terminology for matters of animal cruelty -- if pro-life meant pro-animal in this case, then I'm definitely pro-life). Just to clarify, my words were mainly directed at Passerby who deliberately killed frogs with the detonated firecrackers, not you. And I can sort of understand that fascination, though it personally sickens me. I was just concerned that I was the only one who thought about the well-being of animals, and in the end, I'm glad that you do, too.

  5. @passerby: To be honest, the "LOL" at the end of your comment is what got me. Again, how can you be so callous?

  6. MikoKagome04,
    I actually have more passion to animals than to humans. XD

  7. I have to agree with MikoKagome04. How can killing frogs for fun be fascinating?

    To the passerby, since you are at the top of the Animal Kingdom with a brain bigger than all of the other species, capable of feeling emotions and guilt and having the ability to establish your own sense of morality, you should know better. Why would you harm a hopeless and innocent life?

    This post reminds me of the article I read about a few weeks ago in an Agriculture magazine, which discussed the greatest cause of driving a number of turtle species into extinction: road accidents.

    I still can't believe how humans can be so careless. We have to be mindful of our environment. Every species plays an important role in the environment and our survival. Damaging a part of the cycle would result to disasters. We are damaging our own species by harming others. Isn't it apparent enough?

    Euri's right, looking at another species' anatomy is indeed interesting. XD

  8. ok here's one for you one of my sisters in-laws has found two dead frogs on her front step. both of them have X's on their backs. What is this all about


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