
Consolidating Blogs

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

It's been a while.

The following days after this post, I will be consolidating all my blogs, one after another, and merge all the posts here in this blog. I haven't yet finalized, but I'm thinking of probably pointing my main domain to this blog as well.

About my pixel and TCG sites, I'll think of where I'll move them. But I'll probably go Github Pages or something -- since they're pretty much static sites and does not require databases.

Our hosting will end soon, and we're not renewing. I still have time to move around things. But in case I'm too lazy to do stuff, I'll just drop it all together and keep an archive somewhere.

We'll see.

Not happening.

At least for the time being.

And thank you to my BFF, Nickle, for adopting me.


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