Dear Rus Color Changing Nail Polish

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Last week, my older brother bought us a nail polish called Dear Rus. The sales lady told him that it’s a color changing nail polish. He was so intrigued by it and bought it. He told me to put them on and try if it really does change colors.

Earlier this afternoon, our manicurist came over and I had it put on me. And guess what? It does change colors!

I went and dipped my nails in our freezer to test if it really does change colors.


The left one is its default color and the one on the right is it’s color when cold. It changes from a pastel blue color to some pastel violet color.

This is what it looks like when it’s changing colors. It slowly changes and then fades back to its original color.

I’ve taken another set of shots for a closer view of it.

This is the default color, the color when you apply it.

And it changes colors when it’s cold. The water is due to the ice melting.

This is how it looks like when I only dipped a part of it in the freezer.

I tried testing it to see if it does the same when hot and tried dipping my hand in hot water. But apparently, it only changes when cold.

Dear Rus is a Korean brand of nail polish. They have different colors of this type too. They also have cracking nail polishes. According to my brother, these nail polishes are cheap. They cost about PHP 150.00 a bottle. My brother told me that he would bring me there tomorrow to buy more colors! Yay!


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