Thank You

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thank you 12th floor neighbor for flooding my entire room. My bed is wet, my floors are wet. Everything is literally wet!

Thank you 10th floor neighbor for bitching about your flooded room, my room was flooded too, you know? Even if it's not my fault, you blame it on me. You always bitch about every little thing. You don't have the tiniest bit of delicacy at all, do you? Oh and your air conditioner is too noisy, before you go bitching about other people's things, get yourself a new one, please?

Thank you rain for pouring so hard that the streets below are badly flooded that I can't even step out to buy food.

Thank you fast food chains for refusing to deliver food "due to bad weather." I was dead hungry last night, but it's okay, I forgive you, you can't do anything anyway, unless you swim the flood.

Thank you PLDT for your lousy Internet connection. I didn't have internet the entire afternoon yesterday and the entire morning today.

Thank you weather, you suck so much that it's freaking hot right now where you were just raining badly yesterday.

Thank you life, for ruining my weekend. I love you too much, keep it coming! Fuck you.


  1. Sorry to the people and rain that ruined your weekend, good think is your safe and alive.. di ba?

    And if they still keep bitching you around, bitch them back! lol..

  2. Yeah, well, I considered myself really lucky compared to other people. At least, it;s just my stuff that got wet. I didn't lose anything.


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