
Hide: 10th Death Anniversary

Friday, May 02, 2008

Today is the 10th year Anniversary of "Hide" or Hideto Matsumoto's death. We will always be reminded of how great he was, a legendary guitarist.

Here's something from me, you may take the image and display it to your sites too, if you want. I would only require proper credit.

Happy birthday to my friend, Ravie!


  1. YAY! Merreh Birthday to Ravie-chan, who woke up with a sore back just now! >_< Oh wells!

    Ravencroft's last blog post..18th B-day: Adulthood

  2. oh hey, you own the gackt blog link in the blog crew... lucky :cool:
    thanks for the comment !

  3. Wow, 10 years already. It's amazing. Sad of course, but I just can't believe he's been gone for that long. :sad:

    Moon Child's last blog post..If school doesn’t kill me the lack of sleep will

  4. wow! i didn't know! it's really been awhile since he died. i agree! he was really amazing! u_u he'll never be forgotten

  5. me like the image. hehehe. hi euri. remember me? :D

    Laarni's last blog post..Kylie Minogue Darling

  6. Gosh, I'm an idiot. I didn't even know he's already dead. (I'm not big on J-Rock, can you tell? :lol:) Still his reputation precedes him -- if you have someone like me knowing his name and what he does, at least.

    ai~s last blog post..It’s a David VS David final. Surprise, surprise.

  7. Nice to see others remember the guitar hero. We celebrated by placing over a 100 lemons around Japan Town in SF

    www.jshoxx.com 24/7 Pure J ROCK


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