Spirit Festival

Monday, August 27, 2007

Today is the 15th day of the 7th moon in the Lunar Calendar. Yes, it means that today was the renowned Spirit Festival (Ghost Festival). Since we belong to a Fukien family, we celebrate at 15th, instead of 14th. During the Spirit Festival, we burn paper money (I think they call this “Hell Money” or something) to give to our ancestors and burn incense with them together with the usual set of food laid down for blessings. Oh, and Spirit Festival is also known as Chinese Halloween.

According to traditions, at the strike of 11:00 pm of the 7th Moon, the gates of the underworld would slowly open giving way to the spirits and ghosts to roam around the living world. And it will close again at the end of the 7th moon. That is why most Chinese businessmen do not invest in any sort of business during this month. Because they believed that the Ghost Month could drag in bad luck for their business.

And a few notes:
In Lunar Calendar (Chinese Calendar), midnight starts at 11:00 pm and not 12:00 am. Like the Gregorian Calendar, there are also 12 months in the Lunar Calendar, and as it was in the tradition of the Babylonian Calendar, there are also 7 days in a week. But the days in a month only counts to 29 and 30, unlike in Gregorian Calendar which counts to 30 and 31. Also, every 2 or 3 years, there would be a 13th month (leap year?).

So, let’s celebrate together and dance with the dead! Woot! :love: :love:


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