Things that I am and Not

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I got this meme from Rlynn's Blog and she got it here.

All those that I wasn't were crossed out. Violent reaction, please help yourselves at the comment box. All else that I'm not sure of were crossed out as well.

Attractive personality. (I don't know about this but it seems that I get people's attention pretty fast.)
Sexy. (Definitely not me!)
Shy and reserved.
Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.
Loves peace and serenity. (Strongly!)
Sensitive to others.
Loves to serve others.
Easily angered.
Appreciative and returns kindness.
Observant and assesses others.
Revengeful. (If I am, there would be a lot of people suffering now.)
Loves to dream and fantasize. (Yeah! And Ken is a part of it! :D)
Loves traveling.
Loves attention. (This is the one thing I hate most!)
Hasty decisions in choosing partners.
Loves home decors. (Yep!)
Musically talented. (I don't know about this.)
Loves special things.


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