Bessy Causing Problems Again
Sunday, April 18, 2004Anyway, this afternoon, my Bessy and Noemi went here at my house to visit the "sick" (me). We just chatted the whole afternoon. I noticed that we seldom see each other this past few weeks because our own busy schedules. When it was around three in the afternoon, my Bessy left because she would meet her boyfriend (I really don?t like this guy. I don?t know why. But I like him better that Chris - her ex.) at the gate of our subdivision. At around seven or so, Bessy called and said she wanted me to call her mom at home and say that she had been at my house and that she?s going home late - where in fact, she?s somewhere at a mall with her boyfriend. It?s not that I wanted to, but I have no choice. Do I? She does this not only once but twice? Trice? Can?t remember hoe many times now. The latest before today was last black Saturday. I was very angry then because she said that she was with me that day, but I?m not and I don?t even have the idea. I was about to call her at home that day, the good things is, her text message arrived first before I had the chance to call her at home. If that message was a minute late, we?re both be in big trouble. Much more, when her dad found out that she has a boyfriend. Btw, her mom already found out because it slipped though her sister?s tongue. But her father didn?t have any idea about it. If he find this out, we?re all gonna be real trouble. Bessy, Noemi, her sister, her brother, their two housemates, her mom and me. This would be a one tough problem. I think I should have a "homily" with Bessy one of this days to let her know that she?s going too far? I?m going to prepare a really long speech for it. Anyway, my bro run out of Internet card just a while ago, good thing I had an extra kept in my wooden box.
Oh I forgot! I took some test named "How evil am I?" And I got this...